Let there be an opening into the quiet that lies beneath the chaos where you find the peace you did not think possible and see what shimmers in the storm
... John O Donohoe
About me
My name is Linda Gillen and I help people struggling with worry, loss, anxiety, panic, grief, anger, stress and related issues. Seeing people begin to feel better about themselves and experience their relationships, their work and daily living in a more meaningful, fulfilling and self compassionate way is what continues to inspire me in this work.
I am professionally trained in psychotherapy, counselling and life coaching and work in private practice in Dublin City Centre and South Dublin. I am fully accredited with the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
I am qualified as a holistic and integrative therapist and counsellor which means I believe the mind-body-spirit connection is fundamental to understanding yourself as a whole person. I draw from several theories of practice to support each individual client. My practice is routed in creating a safe, open, respectful and transparent therapeutic relationship with my clients where I value my capacity to be available and present.
I work with clients for both short-term and long-term periods, reviewing the sessions with each person on an on-going basis.
I am here to help you, help yourself.
Prior to my therapy training, my client work began ten years earlier in a coaching context, working with professionals suffering from burnout, stress and conflict with balancing a sense of their professional and personal life experience.
My therapeutic approach is based on person-centred values whilst also incorporating psychodynamic, existential. cognitive-behavioural, gestalt therapy and mindfulness based informed approaches, working closely with clients, to understand what is specific and unique to each individual.
I believe that respect and acknowledgement for the individuals ability to know and understand themselves is at the core of the therapeutic relationship.

My Client work as a Psychotherapist and Counsellor is inspired by
My belief in your innate capacity to heal your life, self regulate your emotions and be well.
My belief in your potential to create more loving and satisfying relationships and desired outcomes in your life no matter what your past or current circumstances are.
My passion to support you in developing a more loving and self accepting relationship with yourself.
My years of professional training in collaboration with years of personal development and process, working with my own personal struggles and having a sense of walking my talk.
My conscious commitment to holding a safe, non judgmental, present and transformative space with you.
My conscious commitment to holding a safe, non judgmental, present and transformative space with you.